In 2007, this traditional whiskey was launched as the official first single malt from Ardmore Distillery. Although the whiskey is relatively young, it has been matured in special quarter casks, which accelerates the aging process. The aroma features rich caramel and toasted oak. The taste is dominated by barley and other grains, with an exceptionally rich bourbon character. There are hints of peat smoke, creating a wonderful blend between caramel sweetness and vanilla spiciness. The finish is predominantly caramel and sweet, with noticeable barley notes. It is best served in an old-fashioned glass, a small whiskey glass, or a stemmed aroma glass. The aroma glass preserves the scents longer and allows the whiskey's color to be appreciated more fully.
Ardmore Distillery on hästi tuntud Šoti viskitootmise destilleerimaja, mis asub Šotimaa Highlandi piirkonnas. Asutatud 1898. aastal William Teacheri poolt, on destilleerimaja tuntud oma erilise suitsuse ja turba maitsega single malt viskide tootmise poolest.
Ardmore’i viskid on sageli tuntud oma keerukuse ja sügavuse poolest, mistõttu on nad populaarsed viskiarmastajate seas, kes naudivad oma jookides kerget turba ja suitsu maitset.
Bowmore, established in 1779, is one of the oldest distilleries in Scotland, with a rich history spanning two centuries. Despite changing ownership several times, the distillery continues to use traditional whisky-making methods—malt is dried on the floor and turned with wooden shovels. The water used in production comes from the nearby Laggan River, which flows through a boggy area, imparting a distinctive peaty flavor to the whisky. Additionally, the distillery's warehouses are located below sea level, which contributes to the whisky's saltier notes.